Building & Strenghting the family... one day at a time!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Trip to Cardiologist

Well this has been an interesting last few days. Ashton’s sats dropped considerably starting last Wednesday; this raised enough concern that he spent Thursday and Friday in the hospital in Idaho Falls. He was on 2 liters of oxygen and his sats were in the low 80’s where he is normally around 90% without oxygen. His nose was stuffy, so we had to keep suctioning him. He has rebounded for the most part. Last night, he ran a high fever and his heart and respiration were really rapid. He took some Tylenol about 3 a.m. and settled down for Shanna and myself to take a catnap before getting the other kids up and ready for school.

Ashton and Dad made the trip this morning to his scheduled appointment with his cardiologist at PCMC. For the most part, Ashton was like a new man this morning. We were told that his lungs look good and have improved since his last appointment a couple of months ago (not so wet). Something that I learned about was white blood cell count. I thought that when he was sick that he should have a high count, but when he was in the hospital last week, his white cell count looked good. The cardiologist told me today that when he has a virus it is somewhat more reassuring when his white blood cell count is not elevated as this reflects that it most likely is a virus; whereas a high count can reflect something bacterial.

I learned a lot today….more than I can take time to post, but for a dad who is always concerned, I continue to better understand the process of Ashton’s condition and what can be expected through illness. I think it goes something like…I panic and the doctor’s reassure me that it is normal and then I panic some more.

After his appointment, we got in touch with Alex’s Dad and then went to the parent resource center, to use the computer, and there was Brynn. She filled me in on the IHH meeting on Saturday and how Alex is doing. It was nice to visit with the Homers. I was hanging out for a few minutes to get a hotel through Priceline after Brynn went to check on Alex and Pat (a social worker) came in and we visited for a while. She filled me in a little about Intermountain Healing Hearts as well. We reflected on how IHH is what Shanna and I were looking for when Ashton was born. There was another organization that we were told about, but we found it wasn’t active any longer. Intermountain Healing Hearts is a good resource and the board members are working hard to structure the organization in a way that it will be around for a long time. We appreciate all of you!

I am so tired from lack of sleep and the horrible driving conditions through the Malad pass this morning. I ended up coming to a dead stop on the freeway and then inching off the shoulder…listening for the sound of the tires going over the rough part that they put on the side of the road to wake people up when they start to go off the road. I was glad to see the car behind me come to a stop also. We took it slow and made it in one piece. Salt Lake City is cold but the sun is shining.

This has been a good day. Ashton has been so cute playing here in the hotel tonight. He was playing by the closet doors that are mirrored and thought he was pretty funny. He was right…he was pretty funny!

I want to thank those of you who donated to Intermount Healing Hearts, per my request. Know that this is helping get things going. The organization has received an official status as an organization who is registered in Utah. They now have an 800 number and P.O. Box and they are currently awaiting approval of a 501 (c)3, non-profit status . The website is being developed and more families are joining daily. This organization is so important for families. I know from those I have talked with, we all appreciate all the support we receive, but it is nice to be able to talk to someone who can relate with our situation 100% and IHH makes this possible. It is important for the parents and the CHD child, but summer camp is also scheduled and will host activities for the other siblings in the family. They also need someone who can relate to them and the difficulty they face by getting placed on the back burner at times.


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